Crown Water Ring Pelletizers

CDL Water Ring Pelletizers are available in various sizes with output ranges from 200 lbs./hr. to 15,000 lbs./hr.

CDL Water Ring pelletizers make use of a hot die face method of cutting pellets before they are thrown into the cooling water ring. This process results in dry pellets with superior size consistency. CDL Water Ring Pelletizers allow for a balanced melt flow from the upstream equipment to the die-cutting surface without flow interruption. Materials the pelletizer can process include LDPE, LLDPE, HDPE, HMW-HDPE, PP, ABS, EPS and PS as well as many others.

During production, pellets are spun off the knife blades and land in the cooling water where they are transported to a separation tray. The stainless steel process tray separates the cooling water from the pellets and delivers the pellets to a CDL spin dryer. The dryer rotates at a fixed speed and removes excess water. Then the dry pellets are discharged to a transportation blower. The pellets are then blown to a storage or handling system.

The processed water is collected, cooled with a heat exchanger and then pumped back to the water ring cooling chamber where it again is used to cool the pellets.


CDL Water Ring Pelletizers offer unique and economical methods of pelletizing a myriad of thermoplastic materials. The CDL Water Ring Pelletizer provides unique advantages over other manufacturers. The unique dewatering filtration system produces clean material which is virtually free of fines or overs.