CDL Slide Plate Screen Changer Standard Specifications

CDL Slide Plate Screen Changers are available for installation on extruders in sizes from 2 1/2" to 15" with full flow or screw removal through the slide plate features.

The power units and associated accumulators that are provided with CDL screen changers are oversized and have been designed for long life and easy operation. All CDL screen changers operate in a full stroke from side to side (position to position) in 1ms.

Slide Plate screen changers are manufactured from cast steel and tool steel. The body is a cast steel which has been xrayed for porosity, and the slide plates are H13 thru hardened and then lapped for precise finish. The seal rings are AMPCO bronze and tool steel and the breaker plates are all special grade tool steel thru hardened to match the applications.

CDL Slide Plate Screen Changers require installation information for the upstream adapters and downstream adapters. These adapters are provided by CDL at an extra charge and are not normally included in a quotation for the screen changer.

In cases where the screen changers may be used for PVC, PTFE, or other exotic materials special adaptations are available.