CDL Photo Archive / lines - pipe

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66" dia HDPE pipe extruder and vacuum cooling tank
Co-extrusion spiral pipe production line showing pipe mandril and cooling spray components
36" spiral pipe line during production
Spiral pipe line producing 42" pipe
CDL / Crown spiral pipe production line showing mandril and primary extruder
Co-extrusion spiral pipe producing 24" pipe
Lay on and secondary sealing on spiral pipe production line producing 12" pipe
Plant view of 4 CDL / Crown pipe production lines for large diameter HDPE and PP pipe
2 views of large diameter pipe cut off saw
Line view of 48" diameter pipe production line installed at customer plant
66" diameter pipe puller being prepared for shipment
62" diameter pipe die with insertable mandrils
Rotary cut off saw for 66" diameter heavy wall pipe
Complete die assembly on cart for 42" pipe production line
Mandril for CDL / Crown pipe die
Adapter and die feed with cart for large diameter pipe
66" diameter pipe puller being prepared for shipping
66" diameter pipe puller
CDL / Crown 18" pipe die and extruder at customer plant
CDL / Crown extruder and pipe die
36" diameter pipe die during testing

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