CDL Photo Archive / other equipment

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CDL glass belt conveyor and drying oven for exotic polymers
15000PPH bi-axial tentering oven
15000PPH bi-axial tentering oven
15000PPH bi-axial tentering oven
CDL embosser
CDL embosser
Insulation wrap around a high pressure sub-micron filter
High pressure sub-micron filter
High pressure sub-micron filter
Air knifes being prepared for testing and shipment
CDL Air Knife
CDL Air Knife
Barrel stock of large diameter extruder barrels
Assembly of CDL 12 inch extruders
CDL 50 inch X 400hp hog grinder
Various designs of CDL compounding screws
CDL Twin rotor continuous mixer
CDL 12 inch hot melt pump with 1500HP drive
CDL 12 inch hot melt pump with 1500HP drive during construction
50 foot belt conveyor customized by CDL into a cryogenic cooling conveyor for adhesives
CDL edge trim and pull for wide BOPS
CDL edge trim and pull for wide BOPS
CDL Dryer
Electrical layout for CDL embosser

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